Booklet - The Oral Health Care Before and After Radiotherapy
The followings are a few points to help you:
Examination of the oral cavity before radiotherapy
The dentist will prescribe treatment such as extractions, fillings, scaling, etc. appropriate to your oral condition. The objectives are to make sure that you have the best oral health condition before receiving radiotherapy and to reduce the incidence of dental decay and periodontal disease due to a change in the salivary flow after radiotherapy.
Oral health care after radiotherapy
1. Keep your teeth clean and maintain good oral health
After radiotherapy, patients are prone to tooth decay and periodontal disease. In order to maintain good dental health, toothbrushing and using interdental cleansing aids (e.g. dental floss, interdental toothbrush) are very important.
Furthermore, wiping the oral cavity with clean gauze dipped in saline can reduce the discomfort associated with the inflammation of the oral mucosa as well as reduce the chances of oral infection.