Oral Health Promotion Division

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

Mild gum disease

  • Clean your teeth thoroughly every day in the morning and before bed at night to remove dental plaque.
  • Receive appropriate treatment for your condition:

    • Scaling.
    • Root planing or Periodontal surgery

      The aim of root planing is to eliminate the periodontal pocket by removing the dental plaque and calculus in the periodontal pocket and on the root surface of the tooth so that the periodontal tissues may re-attach onto the root surface.

      • Root planing

        Deep scaling of the root surface of a tooth by appropriate dental instruments.

        Animation showing the root planning procedure being performed by appropriate dental instruments for a patient with gum disease.
      • Periodontal surgery

        A gingival flap is raised to expose the root of a tooth so that root planing is possible. This treatment is appropriate for managing very deep periodontal pockets with difficult accessibility to dental instruments.

        Animation showing the periodontal surgery being performed by appropriate dental instruments for a patient with severe gum disease.
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